Video interview: Harsha Walia on Anti-Oppression, Decolonization and Responsible Allyship

“Given the devastating cultural, spiritual, economic, linguistic and political impacts of colonialism on Indigenous people in Canada, any serious attempt by non-natives at allying with Indigenous struggles must entail solidarity in the fight against colonization.

Non-natives must be able to position ourselves as active and integral participants in a decolonization movement for political liberation, social transformation, renewed cultural kinships and the development of an economic system that serves rather than threatens our collective life on this planet.

A growing number of social movements are recognizing that Indigenous self-determination must become the foundation for all our broader social justice mobilizing.”

– Harsha Walia, from the article Decolonizing Together

This 10-min interview was conducted at the PowerShift Canada 2012 conference in Ottawa, unceded Algonquin Territory, on October 28 2012 by Greg Macdougall,, for IPSMO