Dec 1st: Protect The Land feast

Protect The Land: IPSMO’s Fundraiser Dinner
Benefit dinner and concert
Dinner will be served at 7pm
Colour poster Poster #2


Monday, December 1st at 7:00pm
Music will begin at 8:00pm
Green Door Restaurant (198 Main St.)
Dinner will be served at 7pm
Tickets: $0-50
No one turned away
More information:

Speaker: Mireille Lapointe,
Co-chief of the Ardoch Alqonquin


Use Every Part of the Deer
Tyler Shepherd w/ AND 245
The Rough Sea
Musk Ox

The Ardoch Algonquin First Nation and Allies (AAFNA) is a confederation of Algonquin families who have lived in the Ottawa’ River watershed since time immemorial and who are currently situated in the area described by the Mississippi, Madawaska, Rideau, and Tay watersheds.

The Ardoch Algonquin “are committed to finding peaceful ways to resolve the underlying factors that led to the issuance of mineral claims within [their] homeland. This approach includes educating the public and ourselves on the danger that uranium represents to human and animal health and ecological stability, as well as providing information on Algonquin law, relationships with the land, and responsibilities within our homeland.

[They] have also pursued legal and political solutions, as well as direct action, to bring attention to the issue and the ways in which the Government of Ontario promotes the mining industry over human rights and the environment.”


More information:

The Indigenous Peoples’ Solidarity Movement of Ottawa is a grassroots organization that directly supports indigenous peoples in diverse struggles for justice. We also work within communities to challenge the lies and half-truths about indigenous peoples and colonization that dominate Canadian society.  The organization is open to both indigenous and non-indigenous people, and focuses on local and regional campaigns.

As we act in solidarity with indigenous people, we build relationships where we can learn from indigenous cultures. By doing this, we can further decolonize ourselves, and so learn to better challenge the racist and colonial ideas that dominate Canadian society.

We provide support to actions and campaigns for Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, defense of the land, environmental protection, cultural revitalization, and the honouring of treaties and agreements.

More information: